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The molti glossary

These are words you’ll commonly see when you use molti.

Liz Splain avatar
Written by Liz Splain
Updated over 5 years ago

A - F


Apps are additional features that add additional functionality to molti.  Current Apps include Surveys and Quizzes.


Accessible via the left-side navigation menu.  These are Advanced Security settings that can be applied by a admin user.


A one page report that shows you recent activity and outstanding tasks in a given workgroup.

Files Builder

Accessible via the left-side navigation menu or the Setup Menu, this is where users with full or admin roles can build file folder templates.


A feature in molti that lets you create a back-end database.  Each created form template is a database and each template attached to project creates a 'row' int he database.  Collect data in forms so they are queryable with the Reports feature.

Form Builder 

Accessible via the left-side navigation menu on the Forms page, this is where users with full or admin roles can build forms and reports.

G - R

When you are logged into molti, this is the left-side menu that allows you to toggle between pages.

Note Categories

Accessible via  the Setup Menu, this is where users with full or admin roles can build categories to classify project notes.

Personal Workgroup

This is a users first issued workgroup, titled by username.  Users can choose to invite collaborators into their personal workgroup.


A page within the Setup Menu where you can control your account, including, updating contact information, view login activity, update notification preferences, manage your connected workgroups, and delete your account.  The Profile is accessible from any workgroup.

Progress Type

In the Workflow Builder, this allows you to define how to track project progress.  The Linear type automatically calculates the project progress percentage based on the number of statuses; if a project is on status 3 of 5, the progress will report as 50% complete.  The Manual type allows you to select the percentage complete directly within the Project Details window. The Custom type allows you to define the progress percentage for each status in the workflow.


The item that you are managing.  You define the process and all information can be tracked within the Project page.  

Project Details

The page where you can edit the project image, title, workflow, workflow status, progress, description, and project status.  You access by selecting the 'Edit' option on any project. 

Project Summaries

Accessible via the left-side navigation menu or the Setup Menu. This is where users with full or admin roles can build summary templates to apply to projects in a workflow. 

Quiz App

The Quiz Builder which can be used to build, distribute and analyze quiz results.


A feature in molti that allows you to build customizable reports.  Exported information is available in excel or .csv files.  Available information includes information that you've collected via Reports, general project information, or task level information. 

Report Builder 

Accessible via the left-side navigation menu on the Report page, this is where users with full or admin roles can build forms and reports.


Accessible via the setup menu.  Roles are the are permission sets that can be applied to users to limit rights and permissions.


Setup Menu

Menu to manage preferences, build new features, and invite  & manage users.  Accessible via the left side navigation menu.


A defined step in a workflow that is used to track the progress of a project.  Statuses may contain multiple tasks.


A feature that lets you share files and folders to users inside or outside of molti.  Share directly via email, or by sending users 'links' to access documents directly.


A unique way to share information with outside parties in your own customizable 'site' hosted by molti.

Survey App

The Survey App can be used to build, distribute and analyze survey results.


To-dos or items to be completed.  Tasks can be stand-alone or tied to a project.  You can create tasks on a custom basis, or build them into workflow statuses so they are automatically created when a project enters that status.

Tasks Builder

Accessible via the left-side navigation menu or the Setup Menu, this is where users with full or admin roles can build task templates.


A process that you build in molti that can be applied to projects.  Workflows consist of optional statuses and tasks that can be used to guide projects or specify requirements.

Workflow Builder

Accessible via the left-side navigation menu or the Setup Menu, this is where users with full or admin roles can build workflows.


This is the area or context of the molti website that you are contributing too.  This is separates the design and operation of your workgoup from others.  A user may have one workgroup (their personal workgroup) or many if they have been invited to collaborate with other users.  The current workgroup is listed in the top right corner of molti, next to your avatar.

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