In molti we try and make it easy to repeat the steps you do most often. Your time is valuable!
That's why we created 'Report Filters' to make it easy to pull reports based on projects in specific workflows and statuses.
Say for example you're managing an audit process. You want to be able to pull a report of all the projects in the current year's workflow in the 'Final Report' status. Your manager likes to see this report on a weekly basis. So instead of manually selecting the workflows and statuses each time, just save it as a filter!
Here's how to create a Report Filter:
Navigate to the
page via the left side navigation menu.Select the 'Report' that you want to pull.
In the 'Projects Filter' section, select the workflows and statuses you want to query.
Next select the
+ New Filter
option in the left corner of the window.
5. Then enter a name for your filter and select Save
6. Go ahead and 'Run' the report to pull the information you want.
7. Next time you want to pull the report start by opening the report you want to run. Then, select your saved filter from the 'Report Filters' drop down menu.