We like to keep things organized! Shocker, right?
You can use note categories to easily organize and sort through your project notes.
To create a note category:
Go to the
Setup Menu
in your left-side menu.Locate Note Categories and select
.To add a new note category, select the
+ Add
button in the top right corner.Give your note category a name and select
Create Note Category
.Add types to your category by selecting the
button. Think of the category as your binder, and types as your folder headers. You apply thetypes
to your individual notes.
To apply a note category to a note:
Go to the project you are working on.
Enter your note.
Select the
from the drop-down menus below the note.Select
to post the note.
Now you can easily search notes by categories and types on your project page. Just another way molti helps you stay organized!